Archive du blog pour March 2020

Three Inspiring Quotes Transcribed By Matthieu Ricard


To feel responsible for our loved ones is commendable, but we have the ability to open our mind and accept the responsibility for infinite beings. Why limit our deep sense of tenderness to a few people, when we can extend …

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Let Us Experience Every Moment To The Fullest


Dear friends,

I wanted to send you my heartiest thoughts and humble prayers in these challenging times. I know that many of you are confused and afraid in the face of the epidemic that is affecting so many people around …

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Women for Positive Change

Mr Article Complete

Drouk-kar Tsho, our little “Karuna Girl,” turns 20 this year. I first met her in 2005 when she was five years old, while I was visiting a clinic our organization Karuna-Shechen supports in Eastern Tibet. I walked into a dark …

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