Archive du blog pour April 2015

Banning Bullfights: Taking One Step toward Civilization

In voting to ban bullfights, Catalan Parliamentarians have launched a national debate in Spain. Those who support bullfights put forward two arguments: bullfighting is a cultural tradition as well as an art. However, to kill is not an art, and …

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Wonder and Sorrow

For years ornithologists were intrigued by the fact that bar-tailed godwits (a species of waders, in the family of birds who live principally near water, but who cannot land on or dive in water to fish) became so fat before …

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Our Attitude toward Death (Part 3) — To be continued

(Radio Canada interview) 

Because they have the notion of a ‟stream of consciousness,” Buddhists see death as a transition, whereas, in the West, death is experienced in a very different way: if at times there are funerals with inspirational moments …

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Our Attitude toward Death (Part 2) — To be continued.

(Radio Canada interview) 

To think about death is a healthy process, which is neither sad nor morbid. It shows lucidity because, otherwise, to mask reality is inevitably a source of frustration: when our death will approach and that of those …

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Our Attitude toward Death (Part 1) — To be continued

(Radio Canada interview) 

Question: The Western world seems to be suffering from a sense of great reluctance regarding both the contemplation of death and its attitude toward it; death has become a taboo subject, one that is increasingly the …

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