Archive du blog pour June 2013

Photos from the mountains

Tibetan monk in meditation at the Yilung Lhatso lake at an altitude of 12 800 feet

Kham 2013 Mr 143 H

Stupas in Eastern Tibet

Kham 2013 Mr 702 H1

Two Tibetan monks contemplating the vastness of the high plateaus of Eastern Tibet

Kham 2013 Mr 672 HRead more

‟Bad World” Syndrome

The media seems to play on the fascination that we seem to have with violent, malicious, and perverse actions. A criminal who commits a horrible crime will be discussed much more than a volunteer who helps the elderly. Perhaps this …

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A Visit to Barefoot College – 2

Tilonia 185It is 7pm in February 2013. In a little village in Rajasthan, we enter a small room in a house just bordering the village pond. The room is lit by two storm lamps, recharged during the day by solar panels. …

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