Archive du blog pour November 2015

Karuna-Shechen, our action to protect the environment

With the COP 21 taking place in Paris, the tragic events that occurred in the French capital should give us even more determination to enhance our altruism and compassion and include the fate of future generations in our compassion.

It …

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Escaping Hell Through Compassion

“No matter who it is you meet, know that they have already walked several times through hell,” writes French poet Christian Bobin. Our Parisian brothers and sisters, those who lost their lives, those who were seriously injured, their relatives and …

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The Path from Personal Transformation to Societal Change – Part 1

Is human nature inherently egoistic or altruistic?

Despite the violence and conflict that we constantly see in the media, studies show that violence has diminished continually over the past few centuries. Our everyday existence, too, is often filled with cooperation, …

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