Archive du blog pour Articles

Measuring happiness: from fluctuating happiness to authentic–durable happiness, by Michaël Dambrun, Matthieu Ricard, et al, Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences 2012

Based on the theoretical model set down by Michaël Dambrun and Matthieu Ricard on the distinction between self-centeredness and selflessness, this study proposes findings on how a self-centered psychological functioning only produces fluctuating happiness while a selfless functioning leads to …

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The benefits of meditating on impermanence

Even if you are extremely beautiful, you cannot seduce death. If you are very powerful, you cannot hope to influence death. Even being incredibly wealthy cannot buy a few minutes more life. At present we cannot bear the small discomfort …

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Why do Buddhists venerate the Buddha?

The Buddha is not venerated because devotees see him as a God and worship him, but rather because he’s the ultimate teacher, the embodiment of enlightenment. The Sanskrit word Buddha means “the awakened one,” he who has realized the truth. …

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Inner peace is not apathy

It’s very important not to confuse serenity and apathy. One of the characteristics of a stable spiritual practice is not to be vulnerable to outer circumstances, whether favorable or unfavorable. The practitioner’s mind is likened to a mountain that the …

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A Piece of Advice

The thoughts of happiness and suffering, desire and aversion,
Are none else than the clear voidness of mind.
Without modifying whatever arises,
Look at its nature, and it will manifest as great bliss.

Now that you obtained this human existence,…

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