“Mind & Life Europe ‘Mind Matters’ webinar: “A Plea for All-Inclusive Altruism”” with Matthieu Ricard “””

We need a unifying concept to face the multiple challenges of the 21st century. Having more consideration for others, altruism, can allow us to have an all-inclusive approach to alleviate poverty in the midst of plenty, to care for our environment and to take seriously in consideration the fate of future generations (even though we will not be there). We must also include in our preoccupations and action the fate of the eight million other species who are our co-citizens on the planet and whose populations are shrinking at soaring speed.

Information : https://www.mindandlife-europe.org/news/calendar/#c1088

Registration : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvc-mhrTkoGNC1Mxpy43gWaJlgkzS9sl3w
