Lecture & Debate by Matthieu Ricard and Christophe André at the Cirque d’Hiver, Paris (in French)

Mathieu Ricard and Christophe André will be the guests of Psychologies Magazine for a unique event at the Cirque d’Hiver, Paris (France), on Monday, October 21, 2013, at 8:00 pm

Through our partnership with Nature & Découvertes, we have the pleasure to invite you to this outstanding event by psychiatrist Christophe André and Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard, long-time companions of our magazine.

Christophe André will speak about “the keys to serenity” and Mathieu Ricard will give a talk on his latest book on altruism (to be published on September 19 by Nil editor).They will then debate together and talk to the public.

A signing session will be held after the talk.

For more information: http://conference.psychologies.com/

